Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Creative Inspiration

John B. Marine | 11:53 PM |
Almost anything can inspire creative works. Life experiences, cultural events, even random thoughts can inspire wanting to create any kind of media. Where you draw your inspiration makes a big difference in creating anything from your mind and heart. Some of the most extravagant pieces of work can stem from very simple sources. You may just have drawn something on a piece of paper, and it may end up eventually making you an icon in any given field. You never know where inspiration can take you. If you enjoy any sort of creative works, you will likely find inspiration to create things based on your heart and your energy.

The most important part of any creative work is to have inspiration. Without inspiration, you have a hot mess of ideas with no coherence or flow. Everything I do- even my blog posts- all have some sort of inspiration or driving force to them. It runs my life and my actions. Inspiration is a huge part of creativity and creative works. Anyone truly into expression does so because he/she/they drew inspiration from any number of sources. For one to create any amazing piece of creative work, one must be inspired. So if you feel like designing something, it is because you know in your heart that you can make something special. All that remains is completing the package and coming up with something special to share with others.

Go ahead- dream. Gain inspiration. Put together your dreams and thoughts. Most importantly... work to create that creative work you so wanted to unleash! But before you can create that masterpiece, one must have inspiration and enough energy and creativity to make something special.

About the Label: "Advice and Commentary"

Besides sharing any creative works, I simply provide commentary to people like you. These posts simply are my own comments and thoughts about various things. I may even offer some advice to share with all of you. These posts are simply just me talking (not literally) with you.

Discussion time! When it comes to inspiration...

Of what importance is inspiration to you in coming up with creative works?

I know I haven't been updating this blog a whole lot, but this blog is anything but dead. Also note that I run other blogs as well. I actively try to create content for each one. I hope you support this blog and my others. Follow and Subscribe to keep up with the latest content from me. And remember- this blog is not dead. I just haven't come up with a lot of material to keep this blog active. I hope to change this any chance I get. Until next time, thank you for reading!

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