Friday, January 9, 2015

Oni's Body Shop

John B. Marine | 11:38 PM | | | |
This MagicaVoxel scene I created is one of the first buildings I've created. I will share you this voxel scene and what it's about with this blog post. The building represents Oni's Body Shop- a business designed to repair or customize vehicles. The body shop is named after its owner. You'll get to know more about this scene as this blog post continues. Welcome to "John's Creative Space!" And also, happy new year- since this is my first post of 2015 on JCS!

About the Label: "Scenes"

All of the scenes I've created in artwork are featured under my "Scenes" label. I will share various scenes and offer stories to them to make each scene interesting.

--- Oni's Body Shop ---

Here is a look at the scene I created in MagicaVoxel. By the way, do you notice something a bit unusual about this image? Take a look:

Oni's Body Shop
^ Oni's Body Shop.

The reason why it looks so nice is because this is the first-ever picture I've taken using the MagicaVoxel Render program. There is also another difference with this picture- there are two new cars I haven't featured in my blog or on Twitter. You have the light blue old car in the garage, and then you have the blue roadster with the yellow stripe down the middle. Don't worry- I'll showcase all of my latest voxel models in the future.

Let me go back to the scene for a moment. I call this as "Oni's Body Shop," named for Onesimo Oliveira, the owner of this body shop. Onesimo is nicknamed "Oni." His body shop does more than just repair cars- people even come into Oni's Body Shop to have their automobiles customized with aftermarket parts and other cosmetic and performance features. People can wait in the main store area as their cars get customized or repaired. In a commercial, here is Onesimo promoting his body shop:

"Hi. My name is Onesimo Oliveira, better known as Oni. Are you tired of your jalopy? Do you want your ride to shine? If so, me and my mechanics can help get your baby back on the road. Or do you want to upgrade your vehicle's performance? I can help with that, too. To keep your car alive, you got to make that drive! Only Oni!"

-Onesimo ("Oni") Oliveira

Constructing the Scene.

Designing this scene required me to make a massive enough garage. I designed two so that it doesn't seem like the body shop only services so many cars. I took a number of car models I created to help in the process of designing Oni's Body Shop. I used some of Mike Judge's garage models for reference on how high and how wide to make the garage openings. I needed to make the garage deep enough to handle some of my longer car models. The two garages allow for only so much business. The interior of the main garages had the walls colored. I then decided on how I wanted to do the building, because I didn't want it to look completely generic. I went ahead and put on "Oni's Body Shop" in a nice way.

I kind of wasn't sure what vehicles I wanted to feature. The cars I created are all fictional cars with cues taken from real-world cars. In the garage are an old blue hatchback and a dark gray luxury SUV. To give the impression of realism with a car driving by, I included a British roadster inspired by what you'd see from Caterham. Adding to the realism is a visible driver driving the British roadster. I try to model all of my vehicles so that they can be used by characters for realism. I want to be able to drop in one of my characters to provide a realistic experience.

I wanted to use the MagicaVoxel Render program to make this special image. While it worked wonders for my external scene, the inside of the garage appears dark since there are no lighting options. The exterior still looks great with the render and the sun effects. The default size for wallpaper in MagicaVoxel Render is 1600 x 1600. I reduced it to 800 x 800 for a shorter picture. I could have halved the samples from 1024 to 512, but I kept the samples at 1024 in my wallpaper render of Oni's Body Shop. I adjusted the sun scale for full brightness.

And there is your look at this scene I created.

I hope you enjoyed my art work. I actually created this scene back on December 16, 2014; and it is just now I decided to make a blog post about it. Thanks to all of you for supporting my work and having some sort of interest in my material. I will be sure to post more material to keep this blog rolling along. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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