If you have ANY suggestions for me in regards to what I am about to discuss and the different nuances you are about to read, PLEASE contact me via E-Mail or through some other medium so I can be more confident in the subject matter involved.First of all, I want to thank everyone who have seen my voxel artwork and decided to want to ask if I do any extra work or if my work can be used in other projects. I have to say that I am glad my work has been to the liking of others. I needed something to get my creative work across. I needed something to get "John's Creative Space" across. Ultimately, my work has led me to being recognized for my voxel art mostly on Twitter. I've done everything on a hobbyist level while also having a degree of professionalism and responsibility. A majority of the work I do is done to the best of my ability. Often times, the perfectionist in me wants to try to make something just a bit better before releasing it online; and sometimes, already-released work I want to get rid of just to... you guessed it- improve on it some more before releasing again. In addition to my voxel art, I want to try to also delve into pixel art and vector art. The goals there are to offer game assets that I hope will one day find themselves into games and media projects. Some work of mine will be purely exclusive, but I do feel I can offer assets people can use and utilize in a number of applications.
I do want to say that I will surely offer my work to others to be used. However, I would also like to financially profit from my work. I surely want both myself and people involved to both be happy. What I may decide to do is offer my assets online for a price. I certainly want to make prices reasonable and affordable. I will consider several different avenues to allow for my work to be featured as well as offer items for sale. Since voxel art is one of those avenues, I am considering TurboSquid to offer my 3D assets for sale. On the front of being hired or doing any contract work for game developers or others, it is honestly something I have never engaged in. Life in itself is a learning experience. I am sure anything I get engaged with will be something new for me. "John's Creative Space" IS my portfolio, though I may seek a more proper portfolio for my work in the future. I may need to have more experience to really consider myself a true freelancer in a number of departments.
Should I get seriously involved in something along the lines of contract work or being available for hire, you are going to need to be very patient with me, as I've never done any of this before. I am not educated in offering my creative work for a price or in calculating hours of work, estimating hours it takes to complete my work, calculating expenses, offering reasonable rates for my work, legal considerations, or anything like that. I have no traditional 9-to-5 job outside of the usual work I do in publishing content online. I don't even work on a certain budget because I am often times very cheap in doing my work. Despite being cheap, I try to make the most of what resources I do have. I honestly have never worked for anyone before. So I am not as experienced at trying to complete certain projects within a certain timeframe or trying to completely satisfy a client with my work. All of these things make for a brand new experience that I will likely learn to adjust to new challenges put in front of me.
With all of this said... thanks to all of you for your cooperation. If you have any suggestions for me to maybe not feel as crazy or skittish about trying to be someone to offer for hire for media projects or games, please be sure to comment on this post or send me a message or E-Mail online. I am more of a blogger by trade more than I am even remotely close to any freelancer in any field of media (art, music, etc.). I do, however, enjoy and take on the challenge of offering other material outside of my blogging.
In the future, I will be sure to share material with all of you to where you can check out my various assets. I will try to offer material that I am sure people will want to use and utilize. Links will be provided here in my blog and elsewhere. I want to thank everyone again for your interest in my work. If you have any questions or comments, contact me online with the different links and resources I've provided. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.
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