Monday, May 12, 2014


John B. Marine | 11:59 PM |
JohnMarineDesigns (or JMDesigns) is my CafePress store. It was first created June 2, 2012; but it has been only recently that I wanted to try to design my own material after a long hiatus. Being creative can extend into clothing and merchandise. Anyone looking to promote themselves or offer uniquely designed material can do so through the means of styling merchandise. Or as some kids call it, "merch." I want to introduce you to my own CafePress store.

Here is my Cafepress store:
"JohnMarineDesigns" on CafePress

This link will appear again later in this post. So don't worry about visiting this link right away.

About the Label: "Custom Goods"

Items under the "Custom Goods" label include items I designed on CafePress. These items may appear in individual posts, or they may be featured in one post as a series. To people who want to support my work, I encourage my readers/visitors to take a look at my items and place orders on my designed items if my work is to your liking. I would appreciate your business and your support if you do indeed purchase items I designed.

Shopping is voluntary, but would be vastly appreciated in support of my work.

Now let's get started!

--- Custom Goods: Why Bother? ---

Why bother with something like CafePress? If you want to offer unique gifts and clothing to others with your own designs, then something like CafePress will be something for you to look into. Don't you wish you could create items your own designs on items? Don't you wish you could design items that people can buy and enjoy?

The way services like CafePress work is that you are given a wide array of items you can customize with your own designs. Want to make a custom T-shirt? Just pick out a T-shirt from CafePress that you like and let CafePress set up its template designer. From there, you can customize the item any way you like with the suite of tools offered. Once you completed your design, save it, and it will be loaded up in your store. All that remains is for you to let people find your material in your CafePress store so they can buy your designed material. Since you're offering your stuff online, that means you taking advantage of social media such as Facebook and Twitter among other services.

If you are skilled enough, you can design material for many people to enjoy. With CafePress, the template editor is easy enough to understand and use. It lets you in on maximum sizes for images on certain items. For example, most T-shirts you can design on CafePress have a limit of 1000 x 1000 for images. Most T-shirts that allow for pocket designs have a limit of 600 x 600. Take note of all of the different options and limitations for you to make the best designs for any number of unique and creative items.

My [Brief] CafePress Story.

CafePress isn't the only service you can use to create custom merchandise. For me, though, it is one I've used and enjoyed. I mostly use CafePress in conjunction with my YouTube channel- JohnMarineTube. Since YouTube offered users to sell merchandise with CafePress, and since I was curious as to try it out, I joined CafePress. I only made a few items prior to this blog post and never made anything since. But in any attempt to utilize what I joined, I recently decided to create items for CafePress in hopes of people seeing something they like and will hopefully order and enjoy.

I am someone who feels everything has purpose. If there is no value to items, it isn't worth making or promoting. I do not post anything just to show I've posted it. There has to be some sort of value that can be refined from whatever is made. So when I publish something online, it is because I expended my own energy to make something that I think will be of some sort of value to whomever seeks it- even including blog posts like this one. So when I create something for CafePress, I do so in hopes it will be of interest to someone who likes it and wants to place an order on it. I don't expect everyone to approve of my work or buy anything I designed, but I am hopeful someone at least cares about my work so much as to actually look at my material and show their support for my work.

And that is a look at my CafePress store and my thoughts.

--- For More Information... ---

Want to visit my CafePress store and see more items I've designed? I hope to design and offer more material to wonderful people like yourself. Click on the text below to visit my CafePress store:

"JohnMarineDesigns" on CafePress

There is not a lot of material on the store as of this post. However, I will work to design more material for the store. All of this just adds to my creative network. If CafePress isn't to your liking, then you may look at some of the other custom merchandise services as featured in the "Creative Links" section of this blog's sidebar.

And if you would like to start your own store on the CafePress service, please

That concludes this blog post. I hope you will look around and find something I've designed that you enjoy or (hopefully) will enjoy. I apologize for the slow pace of updates to this blog. Developing unique content for "John's Creative Space" has been lethargically slow since I don't really know what to really feature at any given time. That will all go away once I start getting on a little roll making material for this blog. Until next time... thank you for reading!

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